October 8, 2014

A real life Hero. {video}

hero youtube screenshot

Every day, we hear about all sorts of world known heroes—people saving big ecological problems, people going to space, people fighting in the war.

But what about those everyday, silent heroes?

You know, the guy next door that does groceries for the old lady the floor below you, the girl that feeds the stray dog or the lady that gives it’s seat to the older man standing on the bus. What’s in it for them? It’s not recognition, it’s also not material but it makes them richer—it’s simply the closeness of a human being, a friendship, emotions.

It’s just too easy to get a little lost and disconnected from ourselves and others in this world where the norm is not kindness but a new iPhone, to think about ourselves and forget about our fellow human beings.

But lending a hand in help, giving someone a word of encouragement, all those little things end up being the big things in the long run—we can’t change the world at once but with random acts of kindness we can make it a bit better everyday.

Making one person smile can change the world—maybe not the whole world, but their world.

So give someone a compliment.
Smile at a stranger.
Make someone’s day.

Become someone’s real life hero.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Youtube Screenshot

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