October 4, 2014

Unstuck With Love. ~ Kalee Prue {Poem}

love couple hug

Where is the line


embracing the individual path

our extraordinary nature

and walking in ego

standing tall to make amends

to heal each fall

not to make others small.

Does one know?

Do you know?

We are each wonderful

as the wide night sky of winking stars

Strength beyond belief in our scars

some hidden and some worn on our sleeves

all of these details

falling away oh so slowly

drifting breeze

caressing leaves

the shape of our eyes

the shade of our skin

the sounds of our words

the masks and the wardrobe of hats

our years on earth

the places and stories blurred

the burdens and babies birthed

and all the suitcases we pack full

jammed to the bursting point

with things we will never need.

Humbled and awed

by the wild variations of human beauty


Wild Beauties.

Messy, imperfectly perfect beauties

colorful masterpieces,

paintings in progress

some trapped inside dying

to come out and play

some playing so hard

talking so loud

that softness has to be relearned.

Releasing and relapsing

Ripples in the pond…

waves in the sea

in this bubble of peace.

Bouncing off ourselves and each other

like inflateable balls hiting walls…

touching ceilings and floors of heart and mind.

Uncomfortable as it may be

to face our faces

sometimes so clumsy

we feel the fool

making, taking, faking confidence.

struggling against the defenses

we’ve each spent our lives crafting

walls thickly built, but crumbling fast.

dancing along with present and past…

sometimes with so much grace,

we may very well put the fields of swaying flowers,

the floating butterflies…

to shame.

Insecurities gripping, ripping at our hearts.

Holding and hugging.

Gently…. gently tugging.

playing away the days…

and loving the stuckness away.

Love elephant and want to go steady?

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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Luca Vanzella at Flickr 

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Kalee Prue