November 23, 2014

How to Be Your Own Hero. {Poem}

Andreas Øverland/Flickr Creative Commons

Dig deep

Be the strongest,

most courageous

person you know.

Be your own hero.


Get fed up

with the same

old story.

Stop retelling it.

Stop believing it.

Stop repeating it.


Tell yourself

something new.

Dream a new dream.

Dare to dream big.


Stop blaming



and things

for your sad

little story.


Start telling

a new one.


Write a whole

new book.

One about you.

One where you

are the hero.


Tell yourself

you can do it,

you are strong

and it’s easy

to be you.


Get sick and tired

of being sick

and tired.


Stop waiting

for something

or someone

to rescue you.


Tell yourself

you can

do anything

that you want to.

Dig deep.

Be amazed

by what you

have done

and how far

you’ve come

and then

keep going.


Do it again

and again,

every day.


Tell yourself

you are beautiful.


Tell yourself

you are courageous.


Tell yourself

you are powerful.


Don’t believe anyone

who says

you should stay small.

Stop whining.

Stop complaining.

If you catch yourself

in the act

of whining

or complaining,

congratulate yourself

for catching yourself

in the act

and then forgive yourself.


Have a good laugh

and move on

and keep moving on.


Become the strongest,

most courageous

person that you know.


You are on your way

to becoming

your own hero.


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Author: Michelle Collier

Apprentice Editor: Brandie Smith/Editor: Emma Ruffin

Photo: Andreas Øverland/Flickr

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Michele Collier