November 14, 2014

The Cave We Fear to Enter Holds the Treasure That We Seek.


Warning: f-bombs below! 

The cave we fear to enter holds the treasure that we seek. ~ Joseph Campbell

There are these seemingly pitch dark hours where we feel fundamentally alone.

The seconds tick by.

The moments meander on forever.

Tick, tick, tick.

Is the fucking clock broken?

No, but we are.

The pain swells and rises, then finally surfaces completely.

An ocean of despair washes over us.

Chaos swirls inside, and something explodes while something else crumbles.

And, it’s just us, alone, left to pick up the pieces.

We’re in the dark.

We’re broken.

We’re at our worst.

But, it’s okay.

As much as we want to just squirm and look far, far away, these moments are gems.

They are fucking gems.

If we could just learn to polish them and harness their energy, we would gain so much strength, fortitude, and knowledge.

We are supposed to have these soul-crunching, mind-cracking moments.

It is designed like this.

Yes, it sucks.

Yes, we may feel crazed and completely out of control.

But, it’s necessary.

It’s beautiful.

These moments are when the juices of transformation are squeezed into reality.

When inner friction ignites the spark of a raging fire.

When we glimpse deep inside of ourselves and we want to run away screaming, but don’t.

This is the space for change.

It’s not pretty.

But, it becomes beautiful as the pain spreads and blossoms into petals of possibility.

It’s a dark, destructive place.

But, it need not be scary.

Let it happen.

Sit in the darkness and loneliness.

Sit in the grief and the fear.

Sit in the anger and indignation.

Sit in the jealousy and worthlessness.

Feel it.

Let it wash over you.

I know it feels like you can’t handle the pain, but you can.

You really can.

It will strengthen you in ways you can’t imagine.

Because if you think you can change without facing the darkest parts of yourself, think again.

Change isn’t about positivity, it’s about truth.

And, it’s time we buck up and get real with ourselves.

Because coming face to face with deeper truths, ugly realizations and swimming in the mud of our souls—that is where real, life-altering, soul-shaking change can happen.

Prepare to slide in the shit, and then rise up like a lotus.

Yes, rise the fuck up!

Because the only way out is to travel directly through—a seemingly dangerous path, but one that is light with truth and authenticity.

Trust it.

Travel it fiercely and gently.

And, be good to yourself along the way.

This is the path to real change.



Relephant Read: 

The Terror in Truth 




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Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Jessa Dow-Anderson at Flickr 

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