I walked with you today
You low you lay
Our sweetest master for whom we pray
Who carries us to zen
As Fall is upon us all again
You are pristine, holy and filled with intense love and peace
Gliding like the wind beneath the south heading geese
Only you can hold
Your profound, powerful energy, your inner bliss
And as you lay recovering I send you this kiss
You walked with me when I suffered and did not say a word
But knowingly propelled my own inner bird
To sing again, to breathe again to feel the fresh air
To smile through the pain, remembering to care
To turn my face up to the rain
To taste her sweet nectar
To speak to the plants
To know
To deeply look within, to love, to honor, to grow
The cells in you so heathy glow
Your aura is golden
It radiates with heart
You say there is no start, no end
Only to love and befriend
I walk with you today and send you my love
I see your light in everything around and up above
The leaves glow golden in the light
I send you peace no need to fight
You are alright
Healing and recovering breath by breath
As we walk with you today
In confidence and togetherness
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Author: Olivia Treubig
Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
Photo: courtesy of the author, flickr
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