December 27, 2014

An Extra Chromosome Might Just Mean Extra Awesome.

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Different doesn’t always mean bad or difficult…it might just mean awesome.

This is one of a few very important lessons I have learned (and I’m still learning) from my aunt.

You see, my aunt has Down Syndrome. I grew up living next-door to her and my grandma, so we spent quite a lot of time together, but I never really thought about this as something “different” until I stumbled upon this video.

Living with (and raising) a person with Down Syndrome can be hard and overwhelming, but also so very rewarding—just like living with someone with one chromosome less!

I am incredibly grateful for my aunt who has taught me how important family is and how the little things matter most—a lesson we might forget from time to time, but oh so important!

Maybe next time we meet a person with Down Syndrome we could try to connect before we judge. It’s an opportunity to learn something new and to see things with a different perspective.

You never know, you might just learn a new definition of “awesome.”

The World Down Syndrome Day might be on the 21st of March, but this video is well worth watching any day of the year.


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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Apprentice Editor: Toby Israel / Editor: Renee Picard 

Photo: Screenshot from Youtube video 

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