December 23, 2014

Coping with Criticism.

mother writing

I spent the past 24 hours cringing every time my iPhone chirped or chimed.

It was alerting me that somebody had commented on my latest article.

I knew that the subject matter was going to be controversial amongst the yoga community, but I find I’m never fully prepared for harsh criticism.

There were plenty of positive comments, many pleasant, “To each his own,” comments, but the majority were a slew of, “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” comments.

Though it wasn’t unexpected, it is new territory for me, as a journalist. Over the past seven months, I’ve written 32 pieces for elephant journal and with each article I am learning so much more about myself and how I relate to others. I am just as easily triggered as some of my readers and often left wondering if my voice is of benefit.

Each time I begin to write an article, I ask myself, “What am I trying to offer here? Why is it important that I share this?”

And each time I send something off to be published, I know that if I’m feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety, I’ve written something worthwhile. It’s the times when I feel totally calm and at peace with what I have written that the feedback and measurable impact is minimal.

I know that I don’t always need to be controversial to reach the masses. And when I am controversial, I won’t always be well-received. But as long as my facts are straight and I am 100% speaking my truth from my soul’s understanding, how can it be wrong to share? If I positively connect with just one other being or inspire someone to think, haven’t I done my job?

Navigating the most tactful and effective ways to share information will likely be an ongoing lesson for as long as I continue to write for an audience. And it’s a lesson that I’m grateful to learn because with each new criticism I’m only getting closer to the person and writer that I want to be.

As my current mentor says, “Haters gonna hate.” And as Ms. Swift would say, “I’m just gonna shake it off.”


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Author: Megan Ridge Morris 

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Library Archives at Flickr  

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