January 1, 2015

“I thought, what is the purpose of my life?” This was his answer.


What’s the one best and most important New Year’s Resolution?

Today, I ran into a friend at my favorite cafe, and I asked him, what’s the one best and most important New Year’s Resolution? We discussed being grateful to everyone–not just those we love, but everyone.


A few hours later, he messaged me this video, saying “Ok so I think that there is one thing better than being grateful—that Is giving what we need to share with the world! Offering abundance to those with nothing!”

Amen. Being of benefit is the answer—giving. Serving. Even gratitude could be kinda selfish, if not expressed!

This Man is a Inspiration to Humanity (Please watch and share)
Please watch this video … I am sure this will make a effect in your life.


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