December 16, 2014

Over-Thinking Your Way to a More Mindful Day.

Katarina Tavčar

I’m walking down the street with my dog, her leash in one hand and a poo bag in the other. I’m already half way down the path where we usually go, around 20 minutes from home, when I realize I have no idea how I got here.

I just got so caught up in all my thoughts that I had no idea what I was doing. Well, walking the dog, obviously, but that’s pretty much everything I know.

Now, as much as this may seem like a horrible idea—and if you’re a devoted meditation practitioner you’ll probably be shaking your head in disapproval in a few seconds—but is it possible that this hour of intense over-thinking helps me be more present through the rest of the day?

I’m not really good at a traditional meditation—sitting on a cushion cross-legged and with my eyes closed—so besides drawing mandalas, this is my way of clearing the mind even though it seems like it’s the complete opposite.

You see, in that hour of our walk I (over) think about pretty much everything possible—how the apartment needs to be hoovered, how I need to get a new ID card made, what I’m gonna have for lunch, what the hell I’m doing with my life—you know, the usual. But somehow I manage to condense all of those scary, nervous wrecking thoughts that would otherwise occur throughout the day so I can function better while I’m interacting with others.

By the end of our walk I’m more than prepared to deal with others, do a lot less thinking and be more productive.

So, if the thought of a traditional meditation scares you, why not engage in an activity that allows you to not be present for a while? Try walking the dog, running or cleaning, and just let your thoughts go totally wild for a short while.

In that hour think, over-think, plan, panic.

And then be done with all those thoughts. Let them go and enjoy your day being more present and mindful.


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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Apprentice editor: Katarina Tavčar / Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: courtesy of the author 

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