January 8, 2015

7 Tips to help Achieve your New Year’s Resolution.

Nana B Agyei/Flickr

Every start to the New Year has some of us enacting the resolution tradition.

Common desires are to quit smoking, lose weight, get healthier or secure that job we really want.

Sometimes we have already tried to commit to this goal in the past. We may not have had the strength at the time, or it just might not have been its time. Regardless, there’s no reason to beat ourselves up, we just need to get on with it.

New Year’s resolutions are all good and well, but in reality we don’t need a specific date or occasion to commit to achieving our needs and wants.

What we do need is to connect with and understand ourselves—at all times throughout our adult lives—so that we’re continually undertaking healing and growing changes. We also need to have the vision to undertake this as efficiently and effectively as we can.

You may be asking yourself why you need to change. Change just brings uncertainty and fear! This is common in our society because we find that life is tough enough at times, so when we find our comfort zone and secure our happiness, we fight with everything we have to maintain it, sometimes at the sacrifice of important growth. That’s understandable, but not healthy.

It’s a little boring, too.

The truth is, change is a creative and dynamic process that can bring growth, entertainment, new energy and an array of virtues to our lives. Bruce Barton said it most directly and concisely: “When you’re through changing, you’re through.”

So whether your goal is an internal achievement, such as finding true contentment, or an external achievement, such as learning to operate a permaculture farm, what follows are seven secrets to help you achieve your New Year resolution.

1. There are three simple steps to facilitate change: first is an awareness of yourself and your goals, second is an acceptance of why and how to achieve those goals and third is the application of strategies—which, with the right commitment and sacrifice, will see those goals realized. This is called the Triple A Guide.

2. Get to understand why you are trying to achieve that goal in the first place. What is it that is driving you to achieve it? What makes this one so important over other potential goals you do or should have?

3.  Are there other goals that are woven into achieving it, or is it really part of a bigger goal that you hadn’t exactly realized? What is the context to achieving this goal? This is important because it helps you to understand and focus on the bigger picture.

4. The big step is achieving the goal, but there are a multitude of small steps that come first. Make sure you recognize when you’ve taken a small step, because it will re-inspire your motivation and energy to continue to take them until that final step is made.

5. You know you’re going to come up against some challenges and barriers when attempting to achieve your goal, so try to envision what they will be so you can prepare. Remember them when times get tough, too; no path is a straight line, so embrace whatever small setbacks occur in a way that encourages your hope and determination.

6. Tell your friends and family for support so that you’re not doing it alone. After all, we’re most likely to be victorious with the help of those around us. It might be a little scary to tell others in case you don’t achieve it the first time around, but the genuine people in your life will be supportive no matter what happens.

7. It’s important to recognize the small steps and achievements along the way, but make sure you celebrate when you’ve completed it! The celebration process will help to reinforce your success and motivate you to set more goals to achieve in your future.

See my other article, 5 Simple Steps to Help you Achieve your Goals for more on how to achieve change in your life.




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Author: Phil Watt

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Nana B. Agyei/Flickr

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