January 8, 2015

Cartoonists strike back against Terrorists [30 Cartoons]

Arab newspapers around the world react to Charlie Hebdo attack (imgur.com) Millions of Muslims are horrified, too.

I found #6 to be particularly touching.” “Proof that we are all more alike than it sometimes seems.”




The Terrorist Attack in Paris: We Need More Than Solidarity.

Love is brave in the face of fear and hate.

Cartoonists around the world respond (imgur.com) Last is the best:

The last one really sums up this whole thing.



Bonus: “They wanted to bring France to her knees. Instead, she stood up.” Cities and towns all over France rose up today, instead of giving in to those who demand silence. 

Headlines from this week: 

> Canadian Muslim leaders condemn Charlie Hebdo attack
> Muslim leaders join mourners in Sydney attack
> French Muslim leaders condemn newspaper attack
> Moderate Muslims use hashtag to condemn Charlie Hebdo attack on Twitter

“Yes, Muslims condemn extremism—we just don’t listen”

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