January 24, 2015

I Promise to Touch You.

If I ever marry again, I’d want my vows to be something like this.

I promise that I will always try to see you. That even when our bodies bend and our hands wrinkle, I will still see your true beauty.

I promise to listen, but I won’t be quiet. I want to hear your heart. I will always speak up because you matter more to me than the keeping of the peace.

I will be brave enough to be me as often as I can. For some crazy reason you fell in love with me and I want to keep it that way.

I promise to touch you. Every day.

I promise to always be there for you. I will have your back and always catch you.

I promise to support you where I can. I don’t want to solve your problems, but I do want to hold your hand while you do.

I promise to be your most diligent of students. I will go to the college of you and look forward to the graduation party.

I promise to never let you sleep unless you know that I love you. Whatever it takes, I will show you that I love you.

I promise to be honest. You will know me and have nothing to fear. For you will know my greatest fears.

I promise to take on all of you. Your fears, your dreams, your hopes and your loves. What made you so beautiful to me was the combination of all those things.

I promise to remember who you are. And to never make you anything else to me.

I promise to excite you. A rut is no place for two love royalties such as ourselves.

I promise to be in the moment. It’s all we have and it’s better with you in it. 

I promise that once our time on earth is finished, even then I will still love you and if I can, will find you and hold you once more.

As a token of my love.

I give you this heart.

Until love do us part.

Now can I kiss the bride?

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Andy Charrington  |  Contribution: 7,375

author: Andy Charrington

Image: Eleazar / Flickr

Editor: Emily Bartran

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