January 15, 2015

People who Have Enough Strength of Character to be Themselves. {Poem}

Perfection all that is

The Perfection of All that Is.

People who Have Enough Strength of Character to be Themselves. To simply be themselves. There is no trying but the natural expression of self and self-love.

How beautiful these people are. No matter from what level and range of consciousness we are expressing our selves. It is our truest selves in the moment and that is always an honorable thing.

The perfection of all that is.
exactly, just the way it is.

love that is divine.
simply because we are aligned.
in sync and in tune with what is.
whatever it is, that is.
the beauty and wholeness
of each moment so full
treasures and blessings
that come to lovingly abide
reaffirming and reigniting
the love that dwells inside.

the fire of our soul come alive.
fire that is both soft warm and gentle
yet strong firm and swift.
from this place of stillness.
comes the peace
and the passion
of our soul and self

and so.
the perfection of all that is.
the perfection of all that you are.
exactly where you are.
in every way that you are.

how beautiful it all is.


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Author: Jane Yu

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: blogspot

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