Make me a promise, dear lover.
Promise me that you will never accept less than you know I am capable of.
When we met, you saw something in me that spoke to you, that called you to me and kindled your lonely heart, soothed your restless insecurities, and allayed your clamoring fears.
I saw the same in you, and our souls spoke the language of lovers without words, the instant spark of knowing that we were right for each other.
Promise me that if I ever forsake this connection, if I ever become someone who is not kind, and generous and supportive by default… please, do not love me then.
Promise me you will give me tough love sometimes, when you know that I need it.
If I have lost the light in my heart, or become too absorbed in my own trials and errors, please tell me you feel it, you sense it in the core of your being, that I am no longer the one you fell for, that I am letting go of the parts of you that I hold dear.
Show me your anger, your fear, your sadness, for if I become someone who hurts you, I need to feel the hurt too, to meet you there so we can find our way out, together.
Promise me that if I become cold and hard and calloused, that you will leave me, with as much integrity as you can muster; that you will release both of us from something that has withered and died, and not anchor yourself to a ship that has begun to sink.
Too many times I have done this, and no one survives…the heart will permanently lose a piece of itself, never to return. Better to know that you tried all you could, but the life raft is there for a reason, and use it if you must.
You fell for me, and I for you, for the intangible ways we connect with each other, and with the people around us, and with the universe at large.
The unique signature of energy radiating from each of us found its harmony…if that ever changes, do not lower yourself to match it. You and I both deserve a love which resonates fully and freely.
I chose you for who you are…please do not love me if I am no longer whom you chose.
Unconditional love is for mothers and fathers; with you, my lover, I absolutely want your love to be conditional, to hold me to my highest standard, to never bow its head to anything but equal care and compassion.
Be humbled, as I am, by its strength and very existence, but do not think for a moment that it can sustain the burden of a hardened heart…we are the pillars this love stands on, not the other way around.
Love me only as I hold up my side of the bargain, and I will challenge you to do the same. Do not love me unconditionally, but with all the conditions applied by your heart and my own.
Continue to choose me each day, and if I become someone you would not choose, let me go.
I will love you all the more for it.
Valentine’s Day is for Beginners.
Author: K. Jamie Harlow
Apprentice Editor: Bria Luu / Editor: Emily Bartran
Photo: PIxoto
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