Inspired by Waylon Lewis
First real yoga teacher now passed from this realm
The Iyengar straps and blocks became my friends.
Your unique transformative practices and
That encyclopedic knowledge of bodily mechanics
Booming voice yet gentlest ways
Will stay with me forever I hope!
This one has a twinkle in her eye and irrepressible laughter.
Petite yet powerful in her poses
Diligent and devoted to the call of Spirit
She is a delight to behold.
Has taught me much besides yoga in our 15 year friendship.
And one who taught very unconventional Bikram
You didn’t follow that script even once?
I applaud you.
Open about your own struggles with depression
And always game for a laugh or twelve
I endured the repetitiveness of Bikram for you!
This man wonders why we struggle so
When we have “the sun inside us”.
Unerring servant of yoga, his poses shine
With inner light and his smile is always friendly.
Once he did 500 Surya Namaskar and saw God.
There is a heart padding around on two small feet
Caring for students and many animals and a mother.
Be sure to come to her classes fed and watered
Because you will need it!
A taste of tapasya, the Yoga Masters of Old.
This elegant and articulate Yogini
Evokes raja and jnana yoga in ruminations.
Her leggings are animal print and you might see a scarf.
Long legs that frequently step outside the box,
Like when she plays Peter Gabriel during sun salutations!
Creativity in everything she does.
Lovely 60-year-old nurse who taught me relaxed precision
And to smile during yoga practice
And to wrap an invisible cloak of “radical self acceptance” around us.
I have used those words a million times
Carrying on your legacy
O sacred former teacher.
Author: Chris Ann Boortz
Editor: Caroline Beaton
Photo: Wikimedia
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