March 10, 2015

Learning to Trust Our Vision in Times of Self-Doubt.

scene, vision, landscape

In the past few months I’ve had the opportunity to talk to leaders from all over the world.

Ordinary people who are accomplishing extraordinary things, who are making a difference in their lives and the lives of the people around them. While they all had their own special road map tailored to their own dreams and goals, they also had one thing in common, something that was present in each and every one of them, something that kept them grounded when they were losing their way or made them wake up with a smile on their faces.

They all had a clear vision.

Most of them didn’t know how they were going to accomplish their goal, some of them took detours along the way, others found that the first road they took was the right one, and others simply trusted their vision even when they doubted themselves.

While it can be hard to always keep the faith and never waiver from our vision, there are always a few steps we can all take in the process to make sure we stay on our path, we stand in our vision and trust that we are making the right choices even when we don’t completely trust ourselves.


1.     Write your vision down.

Write it as many times as it takes for you to get it, to feel it as if it’s part of your very being. Once you’re clear about that, place it somewhere that you will always see. It could be next to your bathroom mirror at home, your computer or phone wallpaper, or in your office. Let yourself soak in the power of that written vision. The game plan will change every day, but the vision will remain the same.

2.     Do something that serves your vision every day.

Sometimes visions get so big, they seem daunting when we set off to conquer them. Break down your vision in small little steps that allow you to tackle them every day.

3.     Get back up.

You will fall and you will fail. You will have moments when everything seems to be in vain and when your vision seems so far away that it will never be accomplished. Prepare for that. Whether it’s a good friend that you can talk to, who can bring you back up or whether it’s just taking a day off to take your mind off it so you can come back with fresh eyes. Have a plan in place to get you back up, to make the sun shine again when those rainy days come.

4.     Make a ritual.

Make a schedule. Often it’s easier to accomplish something when we make it part of our daily routine. One of my old yoga teachers used to say that yoga should be like brushing your teeth in the morning—you don’t decide if you feel like doing it or not every day, you simply do it. No questions asked.

5.     Have a support system.

We can accomplish a lot on our own, but we can accomplish a lot more when we’re part of a team. Ask for support. Bring people on your team who will complement your strengths and will add to your vision.

6.     Get committed to your vision.

Often when we set up a great goal, we are excited about it in the beginning, we soar as we get out of bed, we feel like we’re walking on cloud nine every day, it’s as if we fall in love with it every day. Soon after, we also have the days when we fall down and for those days when we need a little push to get back up, our vision is the one thing  that keeps us grounded. Knowing that our dream is greater than the emotions of the moment, staying strong in our commitment will always help us get back up and start over again.

Having a clear vision is a powerful thing and declaring that vision without knowing exactly how to achieve it will always set things in motion in the right way. As long as we can stay open and positive to our vision becoming reality, we will always take the necessary steps and notice the things we need to notice in order to bring it to life.

So state your vision, write it clearly, and transform your vision into reality.


5 Simple Steps to Help you Achieve your Goals.


Author: Lavinia Lumezanu

Apprentice Editor: Aisling McAteer/Editor: Renee Picard 

Photo: Author’s own

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