May 16, 2015

For the Conscious Men.


I offer this as an expression of my love and appreciation for the conscious men:

The men who speak from their hearts and listen from their souls.

The men who realize that grace is a pan-human quality, and seek to move with it.

The men who have tied their intentions to the heels of the universe.

The men who cherish connection and act with compassion.

And the men who know that “good” is synonymous with “strong;” that awareness and true “masculinity” are indivisible.

For the men who read poetry and sip tea, and the ones who play video games and drink whiskey.

For the men who box and the ones who meditate; those who pray and those who bake.

For the men who hold doors and the men who forego doors altogether and live in the woods.

For the men who wear pants and the ones who wear skirts.

(After all, it’s not about what you do, but how you do it. Conscious men always, always “act like men,” for what else could they do?)

This is for the men who are evolved, evolving or brand new to the (r)evolution.

Those extraordinary members of the male species who have accepted the simple truth of their parity—if they are rare, it is only because history has not allowed them to be common.

The fathers, brothers, sons, friends, lovers, allies and strangers who teach, support, follow and learn from the daughters, sisters and mothers in their lives.

To the conscious men:

You are seen.

You are recognized.

You are valued.

You are precious simply for knowing who you are.

Whether I know you or not, thank you for evolving with me.

I am grateful for your conscious presence in this brilliant journey.


Relephant Read:

12 Things I Love About Conscious Women.


Author: Toby Israel

Editor: Alli Sarazen

Photo: Flickr

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