May 10, 2015

What Mom Would Say.

Author's own (Megan Ridge Morris)

This is my third Mother’s Day without mom.

She died April 9th, 2013. I was 28 and devastated to lose my best friend.

Mother’s Day has the potential to be a triggering, lonely day for all of the kids who have lost mom, so each year, I try to stay positive and do something uplifting to honor her memory.

The first year, I adopted an exotic bird from the National Aviary since she always had a love of birds. Last year, I drank her favorite wine and ate her favorite cheese out on my porch at sunset. This year, I’m on the brink of becoming a mother myself. Doctor says I’m 2 centimeters dilated and my first baby could come in a matter of hours, days or weeks, so I imagine I’ll spend Mother’s Day talking to my bump, encouraging my baby to stay put for at least another week, and meditating on what my mother would tell me as I enter into this new and exciting chapter of my life.

I imagine she’d say to me…

All of the hard moments are worth it because you were the best thing that ever happened to me.

Trust your instincts and do what you think is best.

You don’t have to lose your identity when you become a mother. You can still have plenty of fun and do things for yourself. Taking care of yourself first means you can better serve the people you love without resentment.

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to raising kids, but no one will know your kid like you do.

Be present and enjoy every moment because it’s going to fly by.

Travel with the kiddo. And occasionally without.

Teach the kiddo how to converse with adults. And forever encourage him to play.

Be a mom and a friend.

Tell him you love him every day, several times a day.

Don’t worry so much. Period.

It’s easy to take relationships for granted. Losing my mom taught me that life as we know it can and will change in an instant.

We all have unique relationships with the people who raised us, so I wouldn’t presume to tell anyone what to do this Mother’s Day, but I do hope that all of the superhero mothers of the world feel loved and appreciated this Sunday.





Author: Megan Ridge Morris

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Author’s own 

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