I’m often asked about negative energy, and specifically about how to avoid it. This question always catches me by surprise because really I never think about negative energy. I just set my intention for the highest good of myself and everyone I come into contact with and go on with my day.
That doesn’t mean I don’t ever feel negative, notice other people’s negativity, or spend time exploring the negative corners of my psyche—I do all of that. But I definitely don’t worry about being a sponge for the negative forces of the universe.
However, I have observed that many people are easily overwhelmed and inundated by other people’s negative energy. This is because they give it a lot of their attention.
Maybe this sounds like you?
Do you find yourself living in a constant cycle of being caught up in other people’s stuff? When a friend has a crisis or your family members are being jerks is it all you can think about?
Dwelling on those situations is what allows the negativity to affect us. No one else causes our own energy to be negative. We do it to ourselves. We’re the ones who take other people’s situations and absorb them into our psyches.
It is our choice. And that is what mindfulness is all about—making a choice. And not attracting negative energy is also about making a choice.
Does a lingering thought, a certain person or a reoccurring situation drag you down, lower your personal vibration, or give you a sense that you’re surrounded by negative energy?
This sounds like an opportunity to make a different choice.
And it might mean physically removing ourselves from that person or situation, or it might be as simple as moving our attention elsewhere.
Here are some other options for where to bring our attention when we feel like negativity is taking over:
Our own heart and the vulnerability, love and pain that can be felt there
Nature—anything will do: a pet, a tree, a little pile of soil
Our own personal vibration, which means doing whatever we need to do to generate that tingly humming sensation that lets us know our vibration is increasing
Our own dreams and passions—we can send light and love to those who are struggling and then return our attention to what brings us alive instead of dwelling on what scares us and we wish to change
Because we are all responsible for the energy we create within ourselves. No one else can cause our energy to be any particular way. This is the one thing we can control.
And it’s all about choice.
Author: Ruth Lera
Editor: Evan Yerburgh
Image: Flickr
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