June 20, 2015

Perfect Vegan Protein Plate.

Perfect Vegan Protein Plate

If you’re vegan or vegetarian you’re likely to get the protein question all the time.

In fact, vegan sources of plant-based protein are actually higher in protein than meat and are far easier for the body to digest and assimilate.

With any diet and lifestyle, it is important to be mindful and ensure you are receiving all the nutrients that your body needs for optimal health. Being vegan often means that you tend to be even more mindful, because you are actively aware and intrinsically entwined with your diet and what you are putting inside of your body.

Combing plant based proteins is a great way to ensure you are getting your protein quota. Combing seeds, nuts, healthy oils, tempeh, tofu, beans, legumes, quinoa and even adding protein powders to your smoothies will ensure that you will receive adequate protein. Hemp seed protein is a wonderful source for vegans, also.

Perfect Vegan Protein Plate



1/4 of a pumpkin chopped and steamed
1 tin of organic black beans
1/2 a dozen cherry tomatoes, halved
A handful of fresh green beans, chopped
1/4 of a fennel bulb, finely sliced
A handful of fresh basil leaves
1/4 of a cucumber, diced
1/2 a block of organic tempeh, sliced and grilled lightly
Fresh organic greens to serve
1 teaspoon of black sesame seeds to garnish.


1 tablespoon of hempseed oil
1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon of tamari
1 teaspoon of tahini
1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar


Steam the cubed pumpkin until just soft and then set aside.

Grill the tempeh lightly in coconut oil and set aside.

While you do these two things, combine all the salad ingredients together in a large bowl and mix well—this includes the black beans (rinsed and drained), cherry tomatoes, green beans, fennel and cucumber.

For the dressing, mix all the ingredients together and add a little water to make it a light and creamy consistency.

To assemble your meal, line your plates with fresh salad greens and then arrange the pumpkin, tempeh and salad. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds, drizzle with dressing and top with fresh basil.



Relephant Read:

Complete Protein? Complete Nonsense.


Author: Kelly Fielding

Editor: Emily Bartran 

Photo: Author’s Own

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