June 17, 2015

Summer Solstice: Unleashing our Inner Goddess.


The Summer Solstice is a time to listen to the wisdom of the universe and let our inner goddess bloom.

In our current society, we are taught to ignore the callings of the stars and the natural flow of the seasons; we medicate our emotions and let our lives be led by technology.

This is not the true nature of our souls.

Regardless of religion, we are made from stardust, the rolling waves of the sea and the rich fertile soil of the earth.

Only once we realize that we are all connected in this beautiful world can we fully reach down into our souls and unleash our inner goddess.

Historically the Solstice has been celebrated since ancient times as the marking of the longest day of the year—even at Stonehenge does the heel stone mark the Solstice sunrise as seen from the center of the circle.

On this special solstice, the planets are literally aligning to help us tune in to our most evolved authentic self. Saturn has just turned retrograde, who is known as the Lord of Karma, and the Sun will also be square to the North and South Nodes of Fate.

We are being pushed—not so gently—to have the courage to be who we really are.

The solstice is the celebration of the fire goddess so those born under a fire sign ( Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will feel it especially strong, but be wary of the temper’s flaring around this time, as the energy of the day can easily make fire signs feel invincible and have the desire to be right at all costs.

However, regardless of our sun sign, I think all woman can and should embrace and celebrate our inner goddess—and we don’t have to dance naked under the full moon to do it, although I really can’t recommend that enough.

Women are sacred creatures, and instead of asking another to treat us as queens, we have to learn to celebrate our own sacredness.

We are the givers of life, and it is in our wombs that the hope of future generations is born.

We are connected to the cycles of the moon through our own menstrual cycles, and we are the storytellers and mystics of this earth.

It is all inside of us right now.

Just like the trees are heavy with their green leaves, and fruit is ripening upon the vines, so do we have to open up our hearts and souls and give ourselves permission to bloom into who we really are.

There are many ways for each of us to get in touch with our inner goddess and her sublime feminine essence, and because we are all so beautifully different what may work for me may not work you.

However, the following are ways that you may be able to awaken the powers of your inner goddess, and let her shine on this the longest day of the year—The Summer Solstice.

Ways to help awaken the Goddess within on the Solstice:

Welcome the Solstice by going to bed nude on the eve before. Once in bed and under your sheets, take your hands and feel the strength in your thighs, the loving softness of your stomachs, the sensuality of your breasts—delight in your beautiful body, free from judgement.

Wake in the morning, and before getting out of bed, smile. Smile at the joy of living, and the joy of a new day. Stretch and feel the energies of the sun and welcome them into your soul from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

Light a candle with the intention of lighting your inner flame and the sacredness that this holds for you, focusing on the love you have for yourself and your innate femininity.

Meditate on what the longest of the day means for you, and acknowledge the heightened energies that you may feel, especially sexual energies in your lower sanctum area.

Take your yoga practice outside—and do it nude, under the full glorious, beautiful sun.

Take the day and spend it outside in nature. Walk around barefoot, feel the wind in your hair, and the heat of the sun upon your skin. Delight in the earthy pleasures of being alive and able to feel everything so immensely.

Plan a special midday picnic when the sun will be the highest in the sky, and give thanks for the beautiful healthy foods that are in season now.

Take some quiet time to just be. See what happens, and during those moments bask in the beauty of an unplanned life. See where the Universe calls you—learning to listen to our intuition is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

Make Love, even if it’s only to yourself. All goddesses know that the sexual energy that lay pulsing beneath our skin is one of the strongest powers we have—delight in that.

In the evening after the sun has set, start a bonfire outside. Sit and watch the flames—fire is the essence of creation, and it is within the flames that destruction and rebirth are possible.

At the end of the day, may your hair be wild, and your hearts light.

May your feet be stained with the touch of the earth and your skin alive with passion.

May you smile uncontrollably and laugh at the sheer delight of being alive and being a woman.

May you walk with the flow of the sea in your hips, and dance with the call of the stars twinkling at your toes.

May you feel forever wild and free.



thewhitegoddes.co.uk: Litha – Summer Solstice

hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk – Weekly Forecasts





Solstice Namaskar: 12 Ways of Looking at the Sun.



Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Pixabay

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