July 21, 2015

You & Me—a Fantasy. {Adult Poem}

lovers sexy couple

We lock eyes

I hold my breath

You lean in

Our lips meet

I move your hand to my breast

You cup it lightly

We kiss more urgently

You grab my bottom

Pull me closer

Then you slow down

Pull back slightly

We lock eyes once more

You gently tug at my shirt

I feel my fears loosen

You fondle my breast again

And every inch of me says yes

I can do this

I am ready

Give me all that you’ve got

You disrobe first

Baring body and soul

I slowly peel off my layers

Our eyes locked the whole time

You lay your nakedness on mine

And as you enter my body

Our souls melt into bliss.



Kissing You {Poem}

How to be an Excellent Lover


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: Famous Sad Love Quotes

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