August 17, 2015

When Missing You is All there Is. {Poem}


I miss the blue in your eyes.

I miss feeling your smile in my bones and tasting ‘I love you’ on my tongue.

I miss mornings underneath you and too many blankets.

I miss your nose taking in the scent of my hair.

I miss the deep vibration of your voice against my skin.

I miss watching you craft perfect funfetti pancakes, snow

falling outside.

I miss the way I fit perfectly under your chin during a hug.

I miss the bliss of airport reunions and long-awaited kisses.

I miss silly Santa hats and individually-wrapped presents.

I miss laying on the beach in silence watching you read, chest rising

and falling.

I miss our safe space, our promise of total honesty.

I miss the person you showed me you could be.

I miss believing in your good and seeing it in action.

I miss the memories and the maybes.

I miss missing you the way I used to.

I miss the hope that’s

fallen away to sadness.

I miss the light that surrounded us together.

I miss the blue in your eyes.


When I Say I Miss you, What I Mean is…


Author: Nicole Cameron

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: Kjartan Michalsen/Flickr

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