September 9, 2015

Date a Rebel & a Renegade.

Wiki Commons

He’s not what Mama had in mind.

But wild thing, you’re not listening anymore.

He showed up and made his move, and now you’re barely breathing.

He’s a rebel and a renegade. He breaks the rules and doesn’t care. He’s trouble in every way—his hands, your heart. There’s no way out for a sometimes-good girl like you.

Somehow, from your deepest dreams—remnants of prayers and journal entries—he’s manifested in the tapestry of your life.

With a hungry look in his eyes, tattoos, beard and hair that you can twist in your hand, this man lives for adventure. He’s slept on beaches, he’s lived in the trees, he’s surfed the ocean, he’s scrambled over mountains to get to you.

You caught his eye while walking down the street, electricity coursing as he smiled and turned to have another look.

He’s bold. He’s irreverent.

He’s made it into your fantasies—and your naughtiest thoughts.

You asked for a life less ordinary. You’ve always been the black sheep who made everyone shake their head. You’ve done things that stay hidden within your most wicked stash of memories and you need a man who will be your match.

He’s got “bad boy” on his face, but his heart is kinder than most.

He’s got muscles that ache to hold you, but he’s tender in his soul.

He’s got eyes that dare you to sin through the dark, moonless night, and a smile that keeps you tethered to what’s sacred in this world.

He’s got lips that burn your skin and a tongue that leaves no places untouched.

He’s the man who rips you open. And you’ll gladly give him what’s true in your all-too-often broken heart.

He’s not too wild for poetry or love.

He’s a pirate of unconventional ideas but has many of his own.

He knows that peace is a state of mind.

He listens when he needs to and makes up his own mind.

He lives on the edge of society and questions the status quo.

He loves everything inside you that is still completely unknown.

You have fallen for his sexiness and his strength, his inspiring conversations and the way he pulls you in.

He’s a rebel and a renegade; you won’t tame him, and he’ll refuse anything but you in your rawest state.

So give him kisses, and give him tears. Leave nothing out; share what’s forbidden of your skin.

Drink his potions, eat him like a meal. He’s a wizard, and you’re his witch. Drown in his courage; walk the forest of his dreams.

He’s made mistakes and lived to tell the tale.

Love all that he is, or love nothing at all.



Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Toby Israel

Photo: Wikipedia Commons


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