September 8, 2015

The 10 Best Podcasts to Help you Change your Life.


In the past year, I’ve discovered the magic of podcasts.

I know, I’m a little late to the podcast party, I guess, but better late than never! It’s amazing how listening to these shows has truly improved my life. Commutes are less stressful, exercise isn’t as boring, and I don’t spend my evening downtime watching lame TV shows. Instead, I’m using my extra time to learn something, be it a life lesson, a new way to meditate, an awesome vegan recipe or how to solve a really pressing problem.

Here are my ten absolute favorite podcasts, described in their own words. Click on the titles for links so you can easily add these great shows to your playlists.

This Podcast Will Change Your Life-–-Hosted by Ben Tanzer: Ben Tanzer describes himself as a “Strategist. Storyteller. Lecturer. And lover of all things taco and doughnut.” His podcast covers a variety of fascinating topics. Check out his recent interview with Jennifer Pastiloff, founder of The Manifestation.

The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss: “Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him “the world’s best human guinea pig,” and The New York Times calls him “a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk.” In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.”

WTF with Marc Maron: “Comedian Marc Maron is tackling the most complex philosophical question of our day – WTF? He’ll get to the bottom of it with help from comedian friends, celebrity guests and the voices in his own head.” This guy is so good that he even managed to get the President to sit down for an interview in his garage.

Tara Brach by Tara Brach: “Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance (Bantam, 2003), and the senior teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington D.C., shares a weekly talk on Buddhist teachings and practices. At the start of each evening, she guides her listeners through a 30-minute mindfulness guided meditation (also known as Vipassana) and then speaks for about 50 minutes. This podcast will include many of her recent talks and a few past evenings that cover key themes in Buddhist teachings.” I love Tara Brach’s wise words delivered in her soothing voice.

The David Madow Lifestyle Show: “Want to look and feel younger than ever? The David Madow Lifestyle Show offers easy, fun and practical advice about exercise, eating, happiness, stress, lifestyle and more.”

Dear Sugar Radio: “The universe has good news for the lost, lonely, and heartsick. Dear Sugar—the cult-favorite advice column—is back, but this time speaking directly into your ears. Hosted by the original Sugars, Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond, the podcast fields all your questions—no matter how deep or dark—and offers radical empathy in return.” I never miss an episode of Dear Sugar. One of my favorite parts is when they call up other writers to discuss a solution to the listener’s problem.

Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert: “Magic Lessons are road maps for the path to creativity, the extra nudge you need when you’re feeling stuck. In alternating episodes, Elizabeth Gilbert talks to people who are facing creative challenges and to guest experts, to offer perspective, advice, and inspiration. Gilbert is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love.”

The Daily Boost: “Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world’s most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight-talking, real, very funny, and extremely effective strategies that will give you amazing results!”

ZenHabits Radio: “Bringing the words of the Zenhabits Blog to your listening ears.”

The Moth: “Since its launch in 1997, The Moth has presented thousands of true stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Since 2008, The Moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on Moth stages around the country.” These stories don’t just entertain; they teach and heal, too.


These 10 shows are each a unique gift to the world, bringing sage advice and exciting new ideas to their audiences. They have truly helped me change my life. I hope that at least a few of these will strike your interest and that you’ll get as much out of them as I do.


Author: Victoria Fedden

Editor: Caroline Beaton 

Image: Pixabay

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