October 15, 2015

8 Ways to Know your Angels are Present.

There are two things that I am certain of in this life that have nothing to do with taxes, nor death.

The first is that angels definitely do exist, and the second is that they will answer when asked.

Angels can help you take action on your new ideas, find romance, resolve arguments, live your purpose and guide you to your absolute best life possible. If you communicate with them through breath and gratitude, if you trust, and listen your life will transform.

I have been guided to jobs, homes and resolutions with the help of my angels.

The angels play a magical, assured role in my life, and I want you to be able to say the same, if you so desire. 

If you doubt angelic presence, know their response can be subtle, and they show up in many different ways. I give infinite gratitude to my angel team, and I often find myself pouring my heart out to them. I used to doubt their presence, and wonder if anyone or anything was actually listening.

Then one day I didn’t, and my life forever changed. 

There is no better way to help you understand angelic presence, than to share the following eight signs my angels give to me:

1. Butterflies.

They come at the most random times—in season, via pictures and even printed on things. A few summers back I was resisting to move forward, and asking for my angel’s guidance, I noticed a woman with a butterfly on her shoulder and I followed her through a park. The butterfly faced me, and the woman never knew the butterfly was on her shoulder. I felt such a sense of peace. Not too long after, my mom mentioned she saw the shadow of a butterfly with no actual butterfly creating it.

2. Feathers.

I am often left with white feathers on my path. Sometimes I pick them up to save them for later, only to find that they simply disappear. Just last week, I had a feather stay on my windshield for twenty miles on the freeway. When I arrived home, I went to pull it off thinking that it would be stuck, but it came off with great ease.

3. Sound.

One of the most common ways that I know my angels are present, is a high pitched ringing in my ears. When I saw the butterfly on the woman’s shoulder, I heard the ringing first. That is what prompted me to look around, and I then noticed the butterfly.

4. Clouds.

I have seen clouds shaped like angels, wings and feathers. The picture below was sent to me by my dear friend. She captured two consecutive pictures of clouds in the shape of feathers, and immediately knew that her angels were with her on a road trip. I was also traveling that weekend and saw a feather cloud when I arrived to my destination.

Photo: Courtesy of author.

5. Music.

Angels will give you messages in music either on the radio, through live instruments, or sometimes be surprising and come out of nowhere. I remember being in a place of fear and asking the angels: “Will everything be okay? Am I all good?!” They sent me Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” song three times that day—on the radio, in a store and with a live band that I just so happened to be walking by. It truly has been all good!

6. Animals.

Have you ever noticed an animal appear to you in calmness, when you have really needed support or had a lot on your mind? The animal may even stick around and hang with you for a bit. Angels show me their presence through wildlife, birds and even my own puppy all the time. A few weeks ago, I was in a conversation with my angels when my puppy came running in the house from outside bringing me a feather in his mouth.

7. Sparkles.

Seeing little sparkles out of the corner of your eye or in your peripheral vision can be angel sparkles. For the longest time, I would call the angels my sparkle buddies, because this is how I saw them—as little sparkles!

8. Color.

Each Archangel is associated with a color. I am conscious of what color I am drawn to wear before each meeting with clients. Typically, I will wear the color of the angel coming through for that person. Nine out of 10 times they show up with that color on as well! 

Keep the faith that your angels are with you, because they are. If you doubt it for even a moment, stop, breathe, ask and then listen. They want to work magic in your life, but you must ask. If you invite them in they will work miracles in the most unexpected ways.

I would love to hear about the different ways your angels have shown up for you! Please feel welcome to share here in the comments, or visit me on Facebook.

If you are wanting to connect with your angel team more, I have a great gift for you; my angel connection guided meditation. Just write to me, with Angel Meditation in the subject line.

Sending light, love, and angel sparkles your way!


Relephant Read:

My 2-Year-Old’s Message from the Angels.


Relephant bonus // Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: Which Buddha Family are you?


Author: Gina Nicole Rossi

Volunteer Editor: Kim Haas / Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photos: Unsplash

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