November 30, 2015

Partum. {Poem}

£A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it. ~ Frank A Clark", Vinoth Chandar, Flickr


For Benjamin Zephyr


The line of a poem is given to me
then shattered
by my infant son’s sudden cry

Weeks ago he was a spark in the universe
dancing close to Source

I called him to this heavy place
It’s no wonder he cries

Some say we choose our parents
I say, the journey is still hard

And I cannot quiet him

We do not know each other, my son and I
He is cosmos
I am old stone

His ragged handful of days on this planet
to my forty years of studied slick manipulation

What common language could we have?
What lessons I am to teach him?

Just this:
Claim one drop in the evening summer rain
This is your brother

There are so many who need
your love

Can you turn away
back into yourself
and call this living?





Author: Rachel Astarte

Editor: Renée Picard

Image: vinothchandar at Flickr



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