December 23, 2015

Bite-sized Yumminess: Chocolate Truffles. {Vegan Recipe}

Author: Kino MacGregor

One of my favorite chocolate treats is rich dark chocolate made from pure ingredients.

I used to love eating the brownie batter as a kid and these truffles taste like a luscious mix between dark chocolate brownie batter and the center of a chocolate lava cake (but not hot).

I experimented with some pure ingredient in my kitchen in Mysore and this is the result. It’s all vegan and even has some protein in the mix!


1/2 cup organic tofu
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup of cacao
a few teaspoon of maple syrup to taste
hint of vanilla
pinch of sea salt
handful of walnuts


Put all ingredients except walnuts in blender and continue to blend and stir u too smooth and creamy texture is achieved.

Add more coconut oil if you want it super creamy, more tofu if you want it firmer, more chocolate if you’re a dark chocolate addict, more maple syrup if you’ve got a sweet tooth.

Spoon out mixture and shape into balls and top with a whole walnut.

Chill in the fridge and serve on spoons for bite-sized yumminess.


Author: Kino MacGregor

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Author’s own

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