February 17, 2016

From Healing to Healed.

oil painting unwell girl

When I told someone that I was going to a healing ceremony, he asked me, “What exactly is it that you need to heal?”

In the moment, I thought the question absurd. We all talk about healing—all the time. Our culture has become obsessed with healing, cleansing, re-nourishing, reinvigorating, remineralizing and onward and upward.

I went so far as to accuse this person of lacking depth for not understanding the necessity of healing.

Yet, perhaps I am the one lacking depth, for never questioning the fad of healing, our society’s obsession with it. It is not that I do not truly believe that we need to heal as a civilization—not only our bodies, but our minds and souls as well—I do.

Nevertheless, to ask the question is to lend depth and greater focus to the task at hand. If I walk into a room and say, “I need to clean this room,” but never know exactly what has to be cleaned, I will be far less efficient. However, if I walk into a room with the intention to scrub the floors, clean out the closet and wipe down the windowsills, with a plan I can accomplish a lot.

Looking at the world, I do see a need for transformation on a grand scale. I do see healing occurring globally as our consciousness shifts into greater awareness of the environment, how we consume and how we care for our bodies. Some say we are undergoing a shift into a higher vibration. Others may offer that we are developing a deeper understanding of unity with all sentient beings, learning to live on this planet in a healthier way. Our eating habits are changing, our awareness of where the products we consume come from is growing, and the way we communicate to one another is evolving.

This transformation is as constant as our evolution. Some may call this “healing”—including myself.

As some food for thought to expand the way we understand this transformation, I ask, In the state of always healing, do we forget to tell ourselves that we are already healed? The person who asked me this question is such an easy-going, happy, chilled out guy, it made me wonder how his state of mind essentially ordained his being into a state of wellness.

When we are always saying to ourselves, “I need to be healed,” do we forget to tell ourselves, “I am healed. I am already perfect exactly as is. I am in a state of wellness.”

By holding the narrative in our mind that we need healing, are we also holding the underlying message that we are sick or unwell?

Researchers and therapists Freedmon and Combs write,

“Speaking isn’t neutral or passive. Every time we speak, we bring forth a reality. Each time we share words we give legitimacy to the distinctions that those words bring forth.”

It’s not that we should ignore the need to cleanse our bodies and purify our minds; rather, we could reduce our constant obsession with the state of healing and turn ourselves instead to a state of appreciation, gratitude and knowing that we are deeply well and healed, perfect as we are, already.

How would changing this narrative that we tell ourselves change the way we perceive and respond to the world around us?

“As we become aware of ourselves as storytellers we realize we can use our stories to heal and make ourselves whole.” ~ Susan Wittig Albert


Relephant Read:

The First Step Toward Genuine Healing.


Author: Alia Mai

Editor: Toby Israel

Image: freeparking/Flickr


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