March 30, 2016

Discover the Path of Peace through the Jungle of your Mind.

Author's own

Today I woke up with the familiar feeling of loneliness and an aching heart.

I practiced and the tears came rolling down my face. And then the tears got cried out, like the clouds cleared after a good long rain, and a little smile filtered through my being like the first glimmer of dewy sunlight after the storm passes. And I felt lighter, cleaner, freer and happier.

And this is yoga.

Go straight into the emotional turbulence and ride it out. Don’t run from your sorrow. Embrace the tender vulnerability of your emotions.

It is through our pain that we most relate with each other, through compassion and empathy that we lift one another up. So be strong enough to let your heart break a little, not because you’re broken but because you’re overflowing with love, let your heart break just enough so that the light can seep through the cracks.

Drop the mask, let the walls come tumbling down, come up for air out of the darkness of escape.

Discover a quiet path of peace through the thick jungle of your mind. Follow it with faith and you will be free.


Author: Kino MacGregor

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: pranascapes/Instagram

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