“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” ~ Rumi
Be still, Beautiful One.
Listen for the whispers of your ancient soul.
There is magic to be found.
It was not so long ago you that you lived from the essence of your being.
Do you remember?
In the beginning, your radiant energy flowed from the divine wisdom of your soul. You understood your magical formula. But slowly, over time, the joy and purpose that you invoked with passion and ease has become a distant, if not forgotten, memory.
You believe that the access you once had to your sacred authenticity is lost.
Lost because you were not understood.
Lost by misguided love.
Lost by fear.
Yet the energetic pathways that lead to your magic remain. Beyond the barriers and under the surface, a powerful surge of light pulses unseen to the eye yet is felt in the stirring of a soul that knows.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin
If you have ever been told that dreams don’t come true, the yearning is there.
If you have ever been told to be quiet, your inner voice calls.
If you have you ever been hurt and had to put yourself back together again, your spirit is undeniable.
How could you forget?
You pushed it deep into the core of your being. Within your constitution lives the constellation of your soul, the spark that flickers underneath the surface and the truest of truths that cannot be denied.
One tentative step on your true path will go down as one of the bravest moments in your life. A grand leap will access the cosmos of who you really are.
“Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others … Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” ~ Katherine Mansfield
Free fall.
Reconnect with your inner calling. Meet your inner sorcerer who knows the source, the essence of who you really are. Make trust your mantra and cherish your divine soul along the way. Free fall and rise into the release.
This courageous act carries the seeds of growth and that will scare you. You know that if nourished they will rock your foundation to its core. And yet you listen to the whispers.
Can you stand at the edges of your exterior and answer your soul’s call to action?
There is no denying the alchemy that you will create. The possibilities are endless because when it feels surreal you are on to something. This is what you have always longed for. The framework of your true story is waiting to be told. The life you were born to experience, to feel, and create—your undeniable truth.
Once reclaimed you will begin to weave your magic.
For, Beautiful One, magic abounds and those who walk the divine path know it, find it, and make it.
Come unhinged and soar.
You will be waiting in the wings.
Author: Keira Wetherup Brown
Apprentice Editor: Jami C. Wallace / Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Ramos Alejandro/Flickr
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