March 17, 2016

Haven’t We All taken a Pill to Show Someone We’re Cool? {Video}

Mike Posner- Pill

I have a theory about music.

The songs we can’t get enough of, the songs we put on repeat and sing aloud when no one’s around—are telling us something about ourselves. If we listen to the lyrics, we might find out something that wasn’t obvious to us before. What parts of the song do we relate to the most? It’s as simple as asking ourselves why and giving an honest answer.

I’ve had this one on repeat today. And maybe yesterday, too.

Here, I see an emotionless face. He’s numb, and he talks about being numb. Yet, the beat isn’t depressing.  He’s honest and raw, and I can appreciate that. This song speaks to who I used to be, and makes me grateful who I am now.

Kudos, Mr. Posner, on your come-back song.



Author: Dottie Hollingsworth

Image: youtube.com


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