March 31, 2016

The Fated Collision of Love.


As the blanket of pre-dawn indigo light fades, the mountain thermals descend, stars dim and the brilliant sun’s rays spike, I lie here in silence; restless—gazing at you, surrendered and sound asleep.

Your pale, pasty skin and roseate cheeks—golden blonde hair and sweet glow warms my heart.

A viridescent tunnel spiraling outward—emanates from my heart’s center, showering you serenely.

I calmly await the succulent sound of your voice, your whispers upon awakening—my favorite tune, a chorus that inspires bird-song beyond the frosted pane glass outside our dimly lit room.

The deciduous buds have begun to emerge at the peak of spring’s fare while a chevron of snow geese sails swiftly by in chorus towards their northern summer abode.

This bittersweet day’s arrival was once but a dream—when our fated collision transpired in the least likely of locales, yet so serendipitous now to realize its marvel.

One glance and I knew…you knew too—there was no escaping the reality that it’s possible to meet the person we’ve wondered about, imagined and dreamed of, our desires and deepest wishes finally coming true.

My eyes glisten and a tear dances down my cheek; this waking realization, the longing for this moment to finally transpire—this deja vu.

When you voice your love, expressed in every kind and selfless act, I succumb to a weakness that my knees cannot shake; a terrible madness, so blissfully sweet—madly in love with this soul, streaming forth into the cracks of all my past heartbreak.

Your sensual, provocative, yet concealed nature stirs the fire within—stoking my flame with sincerity and spontaneous, combustible love, illuminating my skin.

There’s majesty, a divinely tapped wisdom which exudes you—your fountainhead, your formidable presence never dims.
A reckoning in your silence lets me know when you’re upset—time to listen, bow in humility and grace your feminine divine within.

Moments of silliness, chase and laughter always brewing; spontaneity, naked embrace and serenade—evidence of our commitment, the longevity and appreciation we share.

Loins stir when I see you undress, my male nature erupts and we dance wildly in bed.

Haunting my thoughts while we’re apart, something I can’t shake or want to—this unbridled love we so thoughtfully cultivate.

Whispering into your ear while tickling your silky smooth back; eyelids stir; lifting, blinking slowly—revealing your stunning, cobalt eyes now gazing up at mine.

Heart-pounding reception, wildest desires aroused…universes-awakening spirits converge.

That fatal smile, that portrait of you forever etched in my reminiscent mind—your head turning twice to steal my attention away; seizing my love for you after that first fateful stare.

Two lover’s first embrace…

Waking, beaming widely—revealing those pearly whites, our lips lock; a collision of atoms sparking a supernova of elation, “God I’m in love with you.” So perfectly sweet and true.




Author: Thayne Ulschmid

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Flickr/Julian Mason

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Thayne Ulschmid