May 13, 2016

The Trident is over! Long live the Trident!

trident boulder sold sale

The Trident has new ownership.

Here’s a list of why anyone might give a care about such a café (click here). 

It’s been the home-away-from-home to many and the heart of Boulder for many years. That began to change a few years back, when Mike Smith, the longtime part-owner and manager, got fired. But in the past few years, the Trident has been remarkably awesome—a testament to the training and mindfulness and community (that is not defined by regulars, but by all who see and value its unique power to bring different communities together) that is at the heart of this beautiful space.

Now, it’s sold. We lovers of the Trident chose not to make a big meeting out of it, for now, and maybe that was a mistake. We tried to get directly involved to make sure that at least a small percentage of the Trident was community-devoted, a lasting institution, and were rebuffed—that’s the new owners’ prerogative.

I and the owners and others were interviewed extensively for today’s cover story of the Trident’s sale—I want to be clear the owners are good people, as I have said many times, and that I specifically mentioned my support of most of their ideas for change—if I were owner, I’d move that damned women’s bathroom. But journalism is a battle for column inches, and a long interview was boiled down to a few quotes.

The old Trident is gone—I let go.

Long live the new Trident! May it not be changed out of arrogance, but out of wanting to make it even better, and more fun!


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