June 14, 2016

Ayurveda & the Path to Lasting Love.

I can almost guarantee everlasting love will come your way if you embrace all 10 principles in Patanjali’s yoga heart sutra.

In Ayurveda, the physical practice of yoga is an integral part of healing one’s body and mind.

Patanjali’s system of Yoga provides us with a methodology to break down emotional and physical barriers that prevent us from knowing self-love and subsequently love for another.

Patanjali’s Sutras, in particular the “Yamas” and “Ni Yamas,” entail simple principles to guide us in conduct and intentions that help us attain Samadhi—or, “balance in the body and mind.”  In a world where stimulus comes from so many places, and when the pressures of life, work, and children become too much—relationships often suffer. Strong principles rooted in common sense can have a profound effect on your making a good choice for a long-lasting, healthy relationship.

Honestly ask yourself how many of these principles are present in your life? If you answer truthfully, you’ll have the root of all your personal and emotional successes and failures.

The Ten “Yamas” and “Ni Yamas:”

1) “Ahisma:” Never injure any living thing. This includes physical injury as well as those inflicted by words. How many times have you spoken harshly to someone you love? Practice “ahisma” and embrace a deep respect for yourself and your lover.

2) “Satya:” Always speak the truth. Live honestly. How many times have you lied to your partner? Lies, big or small, will eventually erode your relationship. Practice “Satya” always, because even the smallest lie will erode your relationship bonds, as well as your degree of self-love.

3) “Asteya:” Do not always need something or take something from your lover. This can sometimes be equated to stealing. Stealing in any form from your partner, whether it be emotional or material theft, will in time erode all love. Put yourself in a position of giving and try not to always want or need something.

4) “Bramacharya:” Respect your body. Expressing sexuality with someone you love is paramount to a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Giving sexual energy to “another” in any form will weaken your bond with your partner.

5) “Aparigraha:” Give. Think about what you can do for your partner. Touch often. Try offering something that will make your partner feel loved. Do not always expect something. It is sometimes easy to get caught up in your own personal needs.

6) “Saucha:” Physical clarity. Keep your physical space clean and clutter-free. Keep your body in good health. Do not overload your body with a poor diet, or stimulants. Are your body and home weighted down with excess? All excess, in whatever form, places stress on relationships.

7) “Santosha:” Acceptance. Try letting your lover be. Try not to be overly concerned with finding fault in others or situations. Create a domain of shanti (peace). Notice how often you say something negative about someone.

8) “Tapas:” Internal fire. Strengthen your relationship by pursuing a personal physical practice that ignites your internal fire. Physical stagnation is not good for the body and can deplete self-worth. Practice yoga, walk, dance, move your body. Without a personal inner life-force, maintaining a strong relationship can be even more of a challenge.

9) “Swadhyaya:” Self-inquiry. This may be the hardest of them all. No one likes to look at how their words and daily actions might contribute to your lover’s pain or suffering. Always treat your lover kindly, touch each other as often as possible—especially when you’re feeling stressed and detached.

10) “Ishwara Pranidhana:” Let go. Literally try to let go of the need to control everything. Do not always react to your partner’s words or actions. Hold onto love, it is right there between action and reaction. When it comes to love and life, remember you do not always need to be right. Let go of being right.



Author: Ramona Bessinger

Image: Flickr; Flickr/lakpura

Editors: Pippa Sorley; Emily Bartran

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