June 9, 2016

Now is the Time to Rise & Roar.

woman in bed

You’ve fallen again. I know that feeling well.

I’ve fallen too, so many times before.

But, here’s the thing.

The longer you stay on the ground, the harder it is to rise.

Rise…and roar.

It is now time. Set your explosive, inflammable love on fire.

Nothing can defeat you. No one ever will.

You are more powerful and magnificent than you can ever possibly know. Limitless, vast and expansive.

Please try to imagine the magic I see whenever I look in your eyes.

It is time. Now. Amidst all this madness and mess.

Do not waver. Do not pause. And don’t you dare consider waiting until tomorrow arrives. Now. It is time to rise. Listen to me and let my words reverberate all the way through your mixed up mind.

Notice the burn pulsating. Feel the lightning charging through your bones. Surrender as it erupts, glistening all over your delicate sparkling skin.

Your eyes. They encapsulate a wild storm. They have witnessed things they would really rather not remember. Blink it all out. It is over now. Let the toxic rainfall wash down your cheeks and be gone.

You are windswept and fragile at times. I know. Curled in a ball to keep your self safely tucked out of cruel harm’s way. Old friend, please take my hand. I will stay here with you. While you uncoil a little, just enough to let the sunlight reach in and soothe your deepest, darkest wounds.

It’s okay to be afraid. And it’s okay not to know. In fact, it’s okay to make these same mistakes over and over and over, again and again.

You’re just on a life adventure, my dear. No need to feel small. This wide world is full of people who’ve fallen, who feel this same way too.

When others look down at you, or even straight through you: Don’t you worry one bit, as they have no idea of your strength. They’ve never carried your pain. They just don’t know how much you’ve held. They don’t know what it takes for a back to break or how strong you need to be to stumble along with this load for so long. They may never know. You’re not the weak one though. You have courage, conviction and fierceness, unlike anyone I’ve seen.

No one knows your road. No one knows the battles and wars you’ve lived through. You cover the scars etched all over your flesh and bravery hides all the blood spills and agony too.

But, I’m here to tell you not to whisper softly today. It is time. Now gather your luggage, toss it aside and let out your loudest roar. You don’t need that weight. Or its old tangled tales. It mysteriously tells of a life that you don’t even really know. Its memories are tainted. Its charm all but gone. Its nostalgic pull just tugs at your heart and never fails in pinning your tender shoulder down.

You are a warrior my friend. And courageous, wise warriors fall often too.

The fight may remain. Somewhere lurking and lingering inside your soul. But never stay down. Your strong hands may shake. Your legs may tremble. But always, always, find something to grasp and pull yourself up. Rise and stand tall.

Hold your head high and take another step. Don’t be afraid, I know you can conquer any harsh, unforgiving terrain.

I ask of you gently: Give yourself permission to be whoever you are meant to be. Torn, ripped apart and fragmented is just as beautiful as all together and whole. Ask the stars. They understand. They have split into billions of pieces and no one thinks anything less of them. And when they fall, we gasp in awe and then make a wish. We don’t know what those stars have been through, we can’t even guess. But we know they burned. Fearlessly. Blazing brightly.

This is your time. Rise up, make your wish, ignite and alight and roar. Now louder. Without apology.





Author: Alex Myles

Image: KKatia Romanova/Flickr

Editors: Travis May / Emily Bartran

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