July 6, 2016

Breaking News: this could take down Fox News.

Gretchen Carlson

One woman, daring to speak up, could take down a powerful boy’s club that’s done more damage to partisan relations and journalism in the US than any other.

The ex-Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson sued the network’s chief, Roger Ailes, saying she was fired after refusing his sexual advances 10:29 AM

Ms. Carlson, who joined Fox in 2005, charges that during a meeting last fall to discuss her concerns about what she considered ill treatment, Mr. Ailes told her: “I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.”

When she refused, the lawsuit claims, Mr. Ailes retaliated by reducing Ms. Carlson’s salary, curtailing her on-air appearances and, ultimately, declining to renew her contract last month.

Ex-Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Roger Ailes (thewrap.com)

On other occasions, the complaint alleges Ailes asked Carlson to “turn around so he could view her posterior, commented repeatedly about her legs, and instructed her to wear certain outfits that he claimed enhanced her figure.” Ailes also allegedly “directed sexist comments” about Carlson in public and announced to others at a industry event that “he had slept with three former Miss Americas, but not with her.”

Relephant: Ailes has a fetish:

The Diversity of Fox News Anchors. [Collage]

She was fired right after this.


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