July 28, 2016

There is Nothing Left to Do. {Poem}

Alexa Torontow re-sized

Right now

In this very moment
You belong

Right now
In this very moment
You are seen
And so deeply loved

There is nothing left to do
Or fix

There is nothing left to accomplish
Or acquire

All that is needed
In this very moment
Is to allow

To allow everything
Absolutely everything
To be exactly as it is
Without judgement

To be exactly as it is
Without a story
Or hesitation

Let your bones feel heavy toward the earth 
And your outer shell to gently soften
Allow the heartbeat to slow
And bask in the space between the breath

There is nothing left to do
Or even know

All that is needed
Is complete allowance
As you give yourself permission
To rest in the ground of your own awareness


Author: Alexa Torontow

Image: Author’s own

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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