August 3, 2016

#BringYourBaby: A New Way to Protest Trump.


Many people have found themselves rudely addressed at Donald Trump’s campaign events, but a crying baby at a North Virginia rally yesterday may be the youngest.

After first telling the mother not to worry about it, Trump appeared to change his mind when the baby began crying again, saying:

“Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here…That’s all right. Don’t worry. I, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s okay. People don’t understand. That’s okay.”

If babies are unwelcome at political events, then what about their mothers? Shaming mothers has practically become national sport, and it’s time to push back.

In protest, I’d encourage mothers across the U.S. to #bringyourbaby to your local Trump campaign event. The fussier, the better.

#bringyourbaby #trumpedbybabies


Author: Toby Israel

Image: Twitter; Twitter


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