October 19, 2016

Join a 3-minute meditation with Waylon Lewis.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“We all tend toward selfishness, but then we can remind ourselves that we’re fundamentally good, and we can be of service to this society, to our community, to ourselves and to this planet.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“I can take a good posture, bow in respect and friendliness to my world, and offer myself and my world a reminder through meditation practice that the present moment is right here.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“The good news is that it’s not that difficult because it’s connecting with our basic fundamentally good nature.” ~ Waylon Lewis


Thanks to our sponsor Jade Yoga: They plant a tree with every mat sold and have no PVC! For free shipping go to jadeyoga.com use code: ELEPHANT (at checkout).





Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: Meditation 101.

How to Meditate: The Dathun Letter, via Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Meditation Instruction: Chogyam Trungpa. Video:

Chogyam Trungpa’s Obstacles and Antidotes to Meditation (not Medication)

2-Minute Meditation for Crazy-Busy People with Waylon Lewis.

Meditation Instruction & Discussion for Super Busy Stressed-Out Humans.

Buddhist Meditation Instruction for Children. ~ Chögyam Trungpa.




Image: Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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