November 23, 2016

Muslim Women Smack Down Trump’s Islamaphobia. {Video}


The hate that people wield in our world is what leads to racism—not a country, religion or ethnicity.

Being a woman already places us in a minority group. However, being a woman of colour cements this status. Unfortunately the meaning of being a minority is that one is singled out for unequal treatment—Trump why are you holding the space for the world to express their hate to each other?

Muslim people are being terrorized world-wide and the recent statements from the current president of the United States have fueled this. His idea to implement a Muslim registry is something that would reinforce stigma and violence and already has.

Racism is something we must speak out against now, for it is a pulse that has been present in our countries for too long and Trump has become a mirror to help us realize this truth.

If we are to keep quiet about the mechanisms that are in place to promote racism, we then become the ones who propagate it. Allowing something to happen is a statement to the world that it is okay.

Islamophobia is not okay!

We need to stop being afraid to speak out and instead support the minorities that are being abused, for fear is what got us to where we are today. To lift ourselves out of our phobias we need to harness empathy, compassion and love. We need to begin to listen to each other and become allies.

When we understand that racism is a sickness, we comprehend then that it is something that needs conscious healing.

Watch the video below of four inspiring women who are bravely speaking out about the BS behind islamaphobia and the Muslim registry. It’s not actually a policy that Trump is talking about creating, it is a tool “designed to dehumanize and stigmatize.”



Author: Sarah Norrad

Image: Video Still

Editor: Travis May

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