February 18, 2017

Welcome to Pisces Season: A Love there is no Coming Back From.

Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed. 


“You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about.” ~ Unknown


In the depths of Pisces season, a love is born unlike any other known before.

On Saturday, February 18th, the sun transits into Pisces and with it we will all be pulled into the murky waters of our subconscious hearts.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and it is ruled by Neptune, the planet of depth and illusion. For each of us, whether we are a Pisces or not—we will feel this pull to go deep.

Each sign that we experience during the course of a year has special meaning and purpose for each of us. For Pisces this year, it’s simply to go deep enough to find out what love truly is.

We have seen some unique and rare astrological events already this year, starting off with Venus in Pisces, and each planet being in forward motion for the first month. Since then we have seen Jupiter, the planet of ideas, go retrograde and in a few weeks Venus herself will do the same.

The beginning of this year isn’t just about love, but finding the kind of love from which there is no turning back.

There are many obstacles to experiencing that rare once-in-a-lifetime kind of love—most of which tend to lie within ourselves and our deep familial conditioning that we have experienced since birth. We struggle with worthiness, with expectations and with believing in what our hearts are whispering to us.

For many of us, we ignore these silent cries for what our hearts most want because of the wounds that we have yet to heal. We continue to search for love in all the wrong places hoping that one day what we want will magically manifest itself—yet, this rarely occurs.

The thing about this year is that during January we were given a glimpse of the gift of sight, knowledge and the love that comes when we decide to believe in it. We were shown what happens when nothing holds us back—not even ourselves.

But, it wasn’t the right time.

There were still lessons to learn, and there were still mountains to climb, so while we had a glimpse, it still remained just out of our grasp.

Yet, now as the sun moves overhead we find ourselves in Pisces season where there is just no running from ourselves, our emotions or our desires. It’s all there: messy, raw and waiting to be dealt with.

In order for any of us to acquire the love that there is no coming back from, we first have to make the choice to submit to our hearts and the pull of the universe. Anywhere that you feel yourself being pulled isn’t to distract you from your purpose, but instead to help bring you closer to it.

Pisces are the lovers of the zodiac.

These watery fish are the ones who have grasped the idea of unconditional love, and who truly practice what they preach. They are deep, spiritual and open-hearted—for them there is no halfway in terms of the heart—they are either all-in or not at all.

Because of their deeply empathetic nature, they tend to understand their partner without words. They see into their soul and with that vision the truest aspect of their lover’s soul.

That’s the thing—when we fall in love with someone’s soul, there is just no coming back.

When we see into another and can feel their vibration, then we also connect with them on a spiritual level. We drop the masquerade of two bodies and instead find the magic that occurs when our souls are allowed to dance together to their own unique rhythm.

It’s these energies that we will all feel come into play during the next few weeks that we enjoy Pisces season.

We will leave behind the superficial connections and instead be drawn to those intense moments that create sparks of divinity from when two souls collide like falling stars. We will lose the ability to talk ourselves out of what it is we most want, and instead struggle to find a reason why we shouldn’t have our heart’s desire.

We will be drawn to love.

It’s the pull of the divine masculine to the divine feminine, and the attraction that occurs when two souls meet in this lifetime. Sometimes we can’t always handle this type of connection because it seems overwhelming, daunting even.

Yet, at others it seems that perhaps our entire purpose here in this lifetime is to experience just that.

For many it seems that the beginning of this year has been spent sorting through life’s messages: Where are we being guided? Where do we belong, and what is the right path?

These are no easy questions to answer, yet somehow during this season of going deep into love, there won’t be anything to do except simply surrender. To surrender to love is the first step to experiencing it, and while we may have kept our walls up longer than we should have, and taken the long road through callous detours, we have finally arrived in the place where we realize that we can’t experience the depth of emotion if we first don’t give ourselves to it.

We have to make the choice to look love in the eyes and believe in its magic and in its possibility.

During this Pisces season, we will be drawn to the kind of love that there is no return from.

The love that was part of our divine purpose all along.

“Never forget that this is a once in a lifetime kind of love and no matter what challenges may keep us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.” ~ Nicholas Sparks, The Vow






Author: Kate Rose

Image: Flickr/Arielle

Editor: Travis May

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