March 15, 2017

It’s not about us being Right for Each Other, but that we’re Wrong for Anyone Else.

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“Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything.” ~ Quote Diary


It doesn’t matter if we are perfect for one another, but I am beginning to believe that we are just wrong for anyone else.

There was a time, shrouded in blatant idealism, when I simply believed that we were right for each other. I thought that everything that grew in the spaces of our hearts and electrified our minds could simply be reduced to a sense of rightness.

But as time passed and my feelings for you grew, I realized that maybe it’s not about being right for one another at all.

During our lifetimes, we cross paths with a multitude of people. Some just sweep by like a brilliant shooting star, and others collide with us and change our worlds forever.

To say that our collision—this meeting of souls—was simply because we are right for one another is ironic humor. It’s a simplification of the truths held within in the human heart.

Yes, so much feels right between us, but it’s not this factor that keeps our connection growing stronger by the day. I’m actually beginning to think we are simply not meant to be with anyone else.

Many men audition to fill the leading role that you so effortlessly occupy, yet no matter how wonderful or caring they are, they just don’t fit. Perhaps in another world of my own creation, I could justify how these men could be right for me, but no matter how I rationalize this, they are in fact wrong.

You have destroyed the fairytale of before and after, and there will never be a time when my life will shift back to its original form. Now I’m not just looking for right, but I’m searching for someone who surpasses our connection or at the very least meets our level of passion with eyes dancing in wonderment. Sadly, I am realizing that there is no level up from you.

There is no better connection than ours because we’ve created the kind of love that people spend their whole lives trying to find.

I’m not saying that our life together will always be easy or that we will always do and say the right thing. I’m only realizing that the reason I am unable to find another man is because you are simply irreplaceable. The love that flows so freely from your own tender heart is the love for me.

I don’t know if we will be able to stay in this place long enough to learn how deep our connection actually is. But late at night, under the glowing indigo moon, my heart whispers its truth with steadfast assurance. I’ve never known love like this before, yet I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life. You make it easy to love you because I have never met anyone like you. I have not shared even a fraction of what I do with you with any other.

You have simply swept in and erased my need to keep looking for Mr. Right, because you are him.

As each new day dawns and passes into moonlight, I’m realizing that we are right for each other.

The turning point will be when we realize that we are actually wrong for anyone else.

We could make any relationship work if we wanted it bad enough. You could dedicate your future to building a life with another woman, and I could decide on a man who made sense. We could simply not choose one another, but it wouldn’t change how we actually fit together. There is a big difference between a relationship that we have to work at to make right versus one that flows into contentment.

Our biggest problem is that we have always flowed—perhaps too easily at times.

We are told that sometimes love is difficult, and we will have to give up or sacrifice aspects of ourselves and our lives. There will be arguments, shouting, and the fact that no one really knows what they have until they have lost it. Maybe this is the accepted truth about love because everyone else believes it.

What if love was truly meant to be something else?

Sometimes, it seems as if I am making all of this up as I go along. I let the rules about love crash during moments of desire that grow roses alongside my tender heart. I’m hoping all along that what is meant to be will actually blossom into fruition.

This isn’t about who I choose to love, but rather the love that chooses me.

It feels dangerous to lay my heart on the table and say that everyone else is simply wrong for me. I’m no longer hiding behind games to protect my heart, and I’m certainly not doing what everyone else advises me.

The only thing I am doing is following my heart to you.

There is something about us that has ruined me for anyone else because there is no greater love to discover than the one we share. There isn’t something better to be found, because you are all I have ever wanted. And truthfully, you’re so much more than I ever expected to find.

Maybe we don’t make sense, and perhaps there are still realities that will sting our hearts and challenge us to join hands in order to face them. But none of these obstacles matter to me, because you are all that matters to me.

It’s never been about how right we are for each other, because now I am simply seeing that it’s really just that we’re wrong for anyone else.



Author: Kate Rose

Image: Instagram @cbzwcbwFlickr/See-ming Lee 

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock 

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