March 4, 2017

Trump’s craziest Tweet yet.

Worst of all, he managed to misspell a three-letter word, making GW look sharp. For the NY Times’ coverage, click here. Excerpts:

“Mr. Trump’s decision to lend the power of his office to such a claim — without offering any proof — was remarkable, even for a leader who has repeatedly shown himself willing to make assertions that are false or based on rumors…In one message, which Mr. Trump sent from his Palm Beach, Fla., resort at 6:35 a.m., the president said he had “just found out” that his phones had been tapped before the election. Speculation online quickly turned to the possibility that Mr. Trump had been reading an article on the Breitbart News site or listening to the conservative radio host Mark Levin; both have embraced the theory in recent days.

Amazing reply via an Obama staffer:


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