March 17, 2017

Watch: Donald Trump refuses to shake Angela Merkel’s hand.

In footage of the photo opportunity, as photographers call for the two to shake hands, Ms Merkel can be heard saying: “Do you want to have a handshake?”

What an insecure jerk of a human being.

We’re America. We treat our allies with more respect than corrupt, authoritarian regimes like Putin’s.

“While Donald Trump goes around insulting Australia, accusing the UK of espionage, hating Germany and cozying up to Russia, remember that one of the main criticisms that the GOP had of Obama – and a deeply held belief of many Republican voters – was that Obama had reduced our prestige in the world and abandoned our allies. These people thought that Obama caused the world to hate us more, to respect us less. These people voted for Republicans for this reason, supposedly.

Don’t forget that.”

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