May 25, 2017

This Foolproof Guidance conquers Fear every Time.

We all have the ability to connect with our inner voices and hear their whispers of guidance.

In moments of stillness, perhaps during breaks in our busy days or in the quiet moments before we sleep at night, we have the opportunity to direct our attention inward and listen.

This guidance often comes in the form of repetitive thoughts, which circle back to specific areas of our lives, or as gut feelings that many identify as “hunches.” Some people’s inner voices have stopped whispering and have reached loud roars. They now experience guidance as anxiety, sadness, or resistance to things being the way we have allowed them to be for so long.

Our internal wisdom speaks to all parts of us—our mind, our body, and our spirit.

When we listen, what do we hear?

Perhaps our inner voices are asking us to leave the jobs that drain us. Maybe they’re asking us to change the ways we eat, or perhaps they’re asking us to spend more time resting in reflection. Maybe our guidance is asking for us to pay close, gentle attention to the parts of us that are hurting. Do we need to heal the wounds in our hearts? Are we feeling afraid, anxious, scared, or that we have lost our power in some way?

When we listen, we can trust our inner voices are communicating that some part of us is ready to shift; that we are ripe for change.

There comes a time when we realize, on some level, that fear is not helpful for us any longer. It has moved from being a trusted guardian to our primary obstacle.

So what is on the other side of fear?

If we were not afraid, what leaps would we make? What are we being called to create? What changes would emerge in our lives? Perhaps we’d move to homes that would delight us and our families. Maybe we’d find new jobs that allow us to step fully into our light and share our gifts with the world. Perhaps we’d make choices for healthier bodies, or happier hearts, knowing we were being heard and healed. Maybe we’d offer forgiveness or finally let go.

To transform any areas of our internal or external worlds, we must release what no longer serves us. By doing this, we make room in our lives for what we desire to arrive.

We must put something down in order to pick something else up.

Release surfaces through many forms of expression. Finding channels for our emotions to freely flow, such as laughing or crying, cleanses us and provides room for expansion in our hearts. Becoming clear with what we truly wish to be present in our lives ushers in a sense of limitlessness, knowing this life can become whatever we shape it to be.

So today I ask—what are you ready to release? What do you wish to gain?

Turn inside, and listen. Hear your wisdom calling you home to your truth and your heart.


Author: Candice Mitchell 
Image: Joshua Sortino/Unsplash
Editor: Danielle Beutell

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