December 12, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Returns with Baby Billy After Heart Surgery.

Two things: you can call your Congressperson (number above and in video) and save 9 million children—seriously. And, you have 3 days left to save nearly $700 on Healthcare if you don’t have it.



DACA and CHIP are being used as bargaining chips for the Trump Tax Cuts.

Call your House Rep and your Senators!!!

If you don’t have health insurance, go to HealthCare.gov and sign up. You have just a few more days.

Jimmy’s baby Billy had his second open heart surgery last week so Jimmy had guest hosts fill in for him while he was out. Thankfully the surgery was a success and Jimmy returned to the show tonight with Billy in tow to show everyone how well he is doing. Jimmy thanks the bright and talented doctors and nurses at Children’s Hospital LA. He has to have one more surgery when he is around six years old and then he is good to go. However, the fight is not over for millions of children whose health is threatened right now because a program called CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), that is there to protect them, is in serious need of funding because Congress recently failed to approve funding for it. This is not a partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans have always overwhelmingly supported it – until now. Now it’s being used as a bargaining chip. So Jimmy is encouraging everyone to call the House and Senate at (202) 225-3121 to tell them to take a break from tax cuts and fully fund CHIP now. Also, if you don’t have health insurance make sure to go to healthcare.gov and sign up before the December 15th deadline. #FundCHIPNow

Comment of the day:

If we gave everyone health-care coverage through Medicare for All:

  • people wouldn’t be going bankrupt for breaking a leg
  • hospitals would actually get paid regularly
  • businesses wouldn’t be burdened with gigantic overhead
  • preventative medicine through regular primary care visits would catch diseases before they progress/metastasize to an advanced stage—meaning that a SHITLOAD OF MONEY CAN BE SAVED

It’s literally a win-win situation for everyone but private health-insurance Board of Directors.

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