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Author’s note: Vedic Astrology, or jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based, and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool of guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, jyoti means light.
Essentially, the study of jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light—within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology casts charts differently to Western or Tropical astrology. The meanings, implications, and purpose of jyotish is therefore different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.
The new year begins with a full moon in Ardra nakshatra, the constellation of storm god, Rudra.
2018 starts with a forceful energy, inviting in power, intensity, and emotional body waves. There is promise of big, grand, and bold changes on multiple levels.
These horoscopes will give you general themes for the year to come based on your rising sign. Horoscopes are based on your sidereal, or Jyotish rising sign, not your Western or Tropical sign. There is likely no correlation. You may also use with your sidereal Moon or Sun sign for extra insight.
Aries: Relationships are a powerful teacher this year. Seek balance and integration with others. Clarify boundaries and ask for support. There may be big shifts and restructuring with your career and offering this year. Career changes are likely. Let your heart lead the way.
Taurus: Dig deeply into your depths and attend to undigested, unprocessed grief within the unconscious realms. Use this wisdom to inform how you connect and share with others. Relationships take courage this year and will prove challenging and provocative.
Gemini: Focus on income, nourishment, and pleasures, but avoid overindulgence and intoxicants. Clean up your diet. Let this be a time of healing rather than self sabotage. Old trauma is rising to the surface. Your heart requests this grief work so don’t bypass it.
Cancer: This is a powerful year for self-growth, while ripping away the shadow and illusions you’ve been hiding under. Deepen your self-awareness and be willing to look at your weaknesses. Strong cravings and desires intensify. It’s time to lean into your fragility and darkness.
Leo: Your intuition and relationships require that you honor your grief more closely. Attend to digestion diligently as it is extra sensitive and vulnerable right now. You are digesting some very old grief. Clearing this will radically upgrade the way you align with your power.
Virgo: Your wealth and nourishment are strengthening this year. Speak your truth and align with your inner integrity. Share, connect, and offer your wisdom to others. Your heart requires honesty and grief work. Old, undigested grief is being pulled up by the root.
Libra: Integration, stability, and grounding are key this year. Growth comes from spinal alignment and flexibility. Deepen your relationship within and let these inner roots help you expand and grow into new relationships with others. Nurture yourself and ask for more in life.
Scorpio: Expand and grow into your spiritual body. Ask the ancestors to help you align with deeper resources and support. Build a deeper relationship with the non-ordinary and make it a priority in your life. Your path and purpose are your soul focus right now.
Sagittarius: Find new ground and deepen your inner and outer stability and support systems. Strengthen your relationships, while also understanding that this requires diligent grief work. It can be a gift if you use it as such.
Gain from your connections and creativity.
Capricorn: You and your world are being radically restructured right now. Your whole sense of self is shifting and changing. Addressing trauma and disconnection within your body is vital. Seek integration between head, pelvis, and spine. Find your ground.
Aquarius: Healing should be your soul’s focus right now. Attend to your healing process and strengthen your skills as a healer. Avoid conflicts and inner drama. Attend to your dark matter and shadow work. Nurture what you want for your life and your path.
Pisces: Big changes are taking place in your career and offerings this year. Find the threads of joy and pleasure. You will be asked to release and let go in order to gain and receive more of what you need and want. What personal mythology needs to be released once and for all?
I am on a mission to help sensitive souls connect with their inner truth and inner wisdom. To connect with purpose and dharma. We need you now more than ever! I would love to hear from you.
A Buddhist Perspective on Astrology.
Author: Saraswati J
Image: Deviantart/Osaki-Kun
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
Copy editor: Nicole Cameron
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