I choose to see you, men.
I choose to see you differently.
I choose to not let my stereotyping and prejudice interfere with your Rise.
I choose to honor the space required for you to come into your holy form.
I choose to not lump you into patriarchy.
And in this choice, I release you of expectation.
Of the expectation to exploit me.
Of the expectation to abandon me.
Of the expectation to save me.
Of the expectation to bend for me.
Of the expectation that you only desire my body and not my heart, mind, soul.
I hold space for you, dear men.
I extend myself to you, and in this, I ask that you become all that you dream to be.
I ask that you allow me to…
Lean on the sturdy pillar of your strength.
The flexibility of your bow.
The firm support that explores and excites me.
The gentle touch that opens me up to the safety of who you are.
The expansive arms that hold me.
The laser-sharp mind that teaches me.
And in this exchange I give you this.
My body for you to nestle into.
My eyes to really see you.
My lips to speak soothingly to you.
My bosom for you to find comfort in.
My kind, loving words for you to find solace in.
And the wisdom that has been guiding us women for years.
I release you, men, from the bondage you are in.
That we have both created.
We break this cage we have both been in together.
This world needs you whole, dear men.
Author: Cassie Jeans
Image: Courtesy of Sara Tanner
Editor: Callie Rushton
Copy Editor: Travis May
Social Editor: Catherine Monkman
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