February 15, 2018

Eternal Duality. {Poem}

I dove into the pleasure and took it all in.  

And then there was pain. I wondered why?
Can’t I just enjoy the beautiful things?
An answer arose from who had heard my cry:

“You thought you could have only half of it all?
All things that rise will then have to fall.
A ray of light shines and shadow appears.

One comes with the other,
Such is life, my dear.
Pain is the price that you have to pay,
To take in the pleasure of every day.
If everything was merely light,
What name would you give to it, without the night?
Pleasure and pain, darkness and light,
Happiness is what sadness ignites.
And that is the beauty of a human life.
No pleasure will make you better or worse,
No pain deserves blame as that’s what gives it worth.
The joy to be here will always be there.
The safety, the love: look inside if you dare.”

I couldn’t believe all I had come to hear.
I sat, and I looked, and yes, it was all clear:
Pleasure and pain are temporary.
It is insane to deny them to me!
Human life is made of duality,
Within which the divine shines eternally.



When Love Remains. {Poem}

Author: Rafaëlle Cohen
Image: Pixabay
Editor: Angel Lebailly
Copy & Social editor: Sara Kärpänen

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